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1642 Golden Rum 750ml
1642 Golden Rum 750ml

1642 Golden Rum 750ml

Winner of this year's Rumbles, the New Zealand Rum Awards - Best in Class A soft golden rum with a light, natural sweetness that comes from a lighter blend of
molasses to sugarcane, allowing us to further hero the complexities of our carefully sourced first-fill bourbon barrels.

The Taste
With notes of pineapple, stone fruits, toasted oak and a slight saltiness that comes from our port side location, this rum will quickly become a staple in your liquor cabinet.
Aged in first-fill, ex bourbon barrels

Vol 750ml
Alc / Vol 42%
24.9 Standard Drinks
Price: $69.99
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Retail Stores:
Waipu Liquor CentreIn Stock
Maungaturoto Liquor CentreOut of stock