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Absolut Vodka 700ml
Absolut Vodka 700ml

Absolut Vodka 700ml



Bold, original, creative. Absolut Vodka launched in New York, 1979. Our transparent and label-less bottle, inspired by an 18th Century medicine bottle, stood out from its tall, flashy, competitors. This was 1970s New York, after all. You had to be different to get noticed. Absolut Vodka is still a unique character, in both design and taste. Still ridiculously curious about creativity, collaborations and art. And still the key player for the perfect mix in any social occasion. And since all vodka from Absolut is produced in Southern Sweden, our superb vodka tasted exactly the same then as it does now. Nothing has changed.

Tasting Notes

Clean and elegant, with touches of peppery grains (somewhat reminiscent of rye) and vanilla pod.

Price: $39.99
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