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Bookers Bourbon 750ml
Bookers Bourbon 750ml

Bookers Bourbon 750ml


In 1992, Booker Noe introduced his own signature bourbon, Booker's True Barrel Bourbon. Inspired by a 200-year-old tradition, Booker's is the first bourbon bottled straight-from-the-barrel, uncut and unfiltered. First created as a holiday gift for his special friends, Booker's whiskey was so well-received that he decided to make it available to bourbon lovers worldwide; much to the joy of spirit connoisseurs everywhere. Unlike anything you have ever tasted, Booker's is one of the only uncut, unfiltered, straight-from-the-barrel, bourbons available today. It's bottled at its natural proof of between 121 and 127, and aged between six and eight years. Booker's Bourbon delivers a range of intense flavours from oak tannin and smoky vanilla to lighter tones of mocha and coffee. Add spring water to customize the taste and finish to your palate. The complexity provided by this straight-from-the-barrel bourbon makes Booker's the rarest, absolute best bourbon you'll ever taste. 

Colour: Deep, rich, smoky amber 

Aroma: Big oak, vanilla, smoky charcoal 

Taste: Intense, fruit, tannin, tobacco 

Finish: Clean, long, intense 

Alcohol Vol 2024-01 - 62.25% 

Alcohol Vol 2024-02 - 62.3%

Price: $359.99
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