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Patron Tequila Silver 700ml
Patron Tequila Silver 700ml

Patron Tequila Silver 700ml

Patron's vision is to produce the world's finest ultra-premium tequila whilst preserving traditional methods. Patron's commitment to quality and tradition have been part of Patron since day one - we're proud of our heritage and work hard to preserve it.

Growing from 32 employees to over 1,600 employees in Mexico Patron is the largest employer of any distillery in Mexico. The staff are our family and each individual takes immense pride in their work.

By honouring our traditions and staff, each bottle of Patron is hand touched by over 60 individuals. It is this pride that reinforces Patron's commitment to our people, our community and our environment.
Price: $134.99
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Waipu Liquor CentreIn Stock
Maungaturoto Liquor CentreIn Stock