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Teeling Single Malt Irish Whisky 700ml
Teeling Single Malt Irish Whisky 700ml

Teeling Single Malt Irish Whisky 700ml

Tasting Note: Yellow with golden highlights. Vibrant with notes of melon, figs, toffee and lemon. A balanced mix of dry fruits, citrus, vanilla, spice and cloves. Long finish with sweetness in harmony with dry tannins from the woods.

Volume: 700ml
Alcohol: 46.0%
Region: Dublin

NZ Spirit Awards 2022
IWSC 2015
IWSC 2016
Worlds Best Irish Single Malt
WWA 2015

Price: $127.99
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Waipu Liquor CentreIn Stock
Maungaturoto Liquor CentreIn Stock